Monday, February 14, 2005

random thoughts of an insomniac

recalling a recent post about ipods as gifts... well, i'm glad to say that i've finally gotten an ipod for someone as a present, the (happy - i hope!) recipient being N. although i thought about keeping it for myself, i always thought that it is nicer to be a giver of the ipod than a receiver.


looking at what N has for his meals, i am sometimes envious.

this is what i basically eat: (and have been eating for the time i've been in singapore)

- some kind of instant noodles
- ham & cheese sandwiches
- scrambled eggs over bread w cheese (and sometimes a slice of ham)
- tofu in some kind of easy-to-make soup (and sometimes with some veg)
- other soups

don't get me wrong. i love these things - that's why i keep eating them. but it was a nice change during the CNY week as i got to also eat other things that i like - roast chicken, pasta...

i am also amazed at what is in the bottom of the fridge:

- 24 cans of coke light
- 2 bottles of low-fat milk (there were 3)
- 2 bottles of sparkling water (quite large)
- 1 bottle of evian (large)
- 2 bottles of sunkist orange juice (tiny - actually, one left)
- 1 bottle of lemon juice (large)
- a pack of onions (???)

oh well, i guess i am not going to run out of drinks, that's for sure. maybe these drinks are there to keep me away from the *real* drinks in the top compartment of the fridge. :-P


why do some people intentionally ask me about the f**king itchy cast and then go to great lengths to try to "actualise" the itch? and then the smile that accompanies all this, its like the person's said the nicest thing about you.

NASTY i say! luckily, i've had much training in the "mind over matter" department. i didn't fall for it. :-)


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