Saturday, June 25, 2005

Buffy ruins the day!

the reason why no one seems to care is because they too have their own sorrow and pain. this, i was reminded of, from an early episode of Buffy that i recently (unplanned-ly) saw. Angel was still in it, and in this episode, the silly manipulated gay-ish boy had not turned quasi-evil yet! he was full of despair and was going to kill himself in the clock-tower (?) when they thought he was going to kill everyone else. he is the accomplice of the guy that killed the witch's girlfriend. sorry - as you can tell, i'm as hopeless at Buffy as i am with Star Wars. (reference: Shereen's surprise birthday party, Star Wars Trivia Pursuit was played. read Terz's post. or for more confirmation that i am getting more and more lousy with names, ask T & YM about tonight at Beach Bar.)

anyway, i think i digressed. what bugs me really is whether Conrad was right - in the sense that "we live, as we dream, alone." (sorry - another over-used phrase, but its not me! it was that bloody Buffy episode that made me think this!)

yet another thing we can attribute to the "modern condition". (reference: NAB's recent post. sorry - too lazy to put in the links at this hour.)


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