Saturday, September 10, 2005

iPod Nano. Nano?

i guess this new one replaces the Mini.

why always got new iPod to tempt the soul?

sigh... win liao.


At 10/9/05 14:15, Blogger wahj said...

You know they talk of Steve Jobs' "Reality Distortion Field"? I watched the streaming video of his presentation, and I could feel the waves of thought control going "buy an nano. buy a nano" = )

Seriously thought, K and I passed by the Apple Centre aat Wheelock today, and I saw the Nanos on display. They are so cool, so ... slim and small. There was a crowd of people around the display case, ogling them. Incredibly tempting ... except that I have a perfectly good iPod already, and I really need about 12 GB for all my music.


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