Friday, April 06, 2007

small bump, big baby?

In the last 2 days, i've been told by different people that my bump looks a bit...small. One of them was the midwife, who took a measurement, and then sent us straight off to the hospital for an ultrasound scan to check that everything is OK. I was naturally a bit worried.

At one point during the scan, the sonographer went, " Wah... Look..." In that split second before he finished his sentence, I was thinking to myself and hoping that it wasn't something bad that they had not picked up before... "Big penis!" ... HUH?! What?! He even took a photo of this (it would be too cruel to flick'r it) and gave it to us. And he kept saying, "Look, daddy..." I was of course glad it wasn't anything bad, but i didn't know whether to be more amused or disturbed. Anyway, the kiddo is a bit on the small side (but everything is still within the normal range), but i guess that is just because they are using Western standards to measure him?

The other person who said that the bump looked a bit small made me a bit more worried. She works at this restaurant in Chinatown (excellent beef brisket kway tiao for only £4.80!) and she commented that the bump is very "si(1) wen(2)". I can't really think of an appropriate translation for this, but i guess its a nice way of saying small or "modest"? Anyway, she said that when she had her baby, her bump too was very small. But when her baby was born, s/he was over 8lbs! Pain pain pain!!!

I don't really feel prepared for it, but as she reminded me - well, it can happen anytime now. (My cousin's baby was about a month premature, and my sister's was 16 days early!) I guess i'd better go and pack my hospital bag!

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