Saturday, November 15, 2008

The boy fed himself his entire lunch (spaghetti with salmon and tomatoes) yesterday with a fork. Previously, when eating stringy noodlely type things, he mostly used his hands and sometimes, a spoon. But usually, this would be messy, and after a while, mummy usually ended up feeding him the rest of his food.

Yesterday though, he was really good! There was hardly any mess, and he finished the entire bowl of food, and after he was done with his yoghurt, he removed his bib and placed it nicely on the table whilst I cleared away stuff to the kitchen!

I am well impressed because although he is able to feed himself other food like porridge, rice, or yoghurt with a spoon, he had never used a fork much before. And now, mummy can eat her lunch at the same time more peacefully!


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