Monday, September 27, 2004

ru minus photography

reading my friends' blogs, and realised that many of them have their photos on their blogs. peer pressure is a terrible thing. i wonder when i will sucumb to this. the good thing is, i am inspired to go out and take more photos. hell, i haven't taken any photographs for nearly 2 years now. and you know what? the UK photos are still in my room, sitting there screaming to be developed. i believe there is also still film left over from the trip in one of the cameras. what happened to the ru who used to shoot like 6 rolls a day?

i guess all i need now is a good scanner. ;-)


At 17/10/04 04:55, Blogger NARDAC said...

throw that film away!!!
seriously, people get slumps. I suggest getting a digital, or a new little toy, just to wake up a little. Also, it helps when your camera is really small, so you can take it anywhere. My next purchase will be a little tiny credit-card size digital cam. Unless, of course, you want to show it outside of the blog.

but seriously, a little digital is great for curing lazy eye.

At 17/10/04 14:19, Blogger  said...

actually, neil got me a digital camera for my birthday last year, plus an under-water case! its true, its different when you use these things. and the other night, he was trying to convince me to get a digital SLR!

At 22/10/04 05:11, Blogger NARDAC said...

oh no. that's a super slump. well, if you don't want to...that's the end of that. But don't believe the russians! Vodka will never make you a good artist!

At 22/10/04 10:52, Blogger  said...

actually i get what you're saying about the digital. the one neil got me last year is a small and very cool one that i can put in a (large) pocket. very useful.

as for the vodka, i know it won't make me a good artist. (how to focus when drinking? ;-)) i just like the taste of it.


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