Friday, November 17, 2006


... is the new name of my powerbook. After 4 years, the sound has died. and on top of that, the trackpad is also gone. (that happened on the flight here from Singapore.)

if anyone knows how to fix these "problems", please let me know. I'm not quite ready to part with my laptop yet...

Sunday, November 12, 2006

They'll be here soon!

IMG_0043a, originally uploaded by monster-ru.

Today i had a really really nice surprise. My good friend B sent me photos of our lovely doggies. He went to visit them at the kennels, and all is well with them and they're still the same rascals that we all know. They'll be here at the end of this month... it's been quite a while, but soon, we'll be reunited.

And I can't believe how grey Finn has gotten! Just look at his face... I swear he was all brown face before. But even dogs get old, eh?

And yes, it's been 7 years...