Friday, June 29, 2007

xander 2 mths, originally uploaded by monster-ru.

this baby is 2 months old today.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


shaved finn, originally uploaded by monster-ru.

Finn is not well. It started yesterday, and it was something he ate. He had blood in his urine, and it was the same this morning, so NAB took him to the vet.

They shaved him to take a blood sample, and the results came back - looks like his kidneys are damaged. We still don't know if he's going to be ok, but if he doesnt drink enough water tonight, he'll have to be taken to the vet's tomorrow morning and they'll put him on a drip.

we're both keeping our fingers crossed. It'll break our hearts to lose Finn.

Update: The vet said there is probably some bacterial infection. Finn is on medication and will have to go back to the vet's next wednesday for more blood tests to make sure he is OK. Fingers crossed, he's getting better.

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Thursday, June 21, 2007

after some delays by amazon, my copy of the new Murakami is finally here! Now, i just have to find time to read it...

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Sunday, June 10, 2007

Whilst we were out at Richmond Park, the little one needed a nappy change...

Thursday, June 07, 2007

we weighed X at home yesterday, and he's now about 5.4kg... he's 5 1/2 wks old and has started trying to hold his head up by himself. It's scary how quickly babies develop and grow. But it's even scarier how, perhaps because you've become a parent, you start to see more and more similarities between your parents and yourself. Grr...