the funniest thing that X said today
when we were walking back from tumble tots, i alerted X to this bit of dog mess on the road and then he started going, "Dog pooooo... Dog poooooo... Gross!" i couldn't stop laughing because i don't know when he picked up the word "gross", but i'm guessing it must have been when i was out into the garden, picking up after the dogs...
'twas also quite amusing when he tugged on my arm this morning when i was nearly falling asleep on the couch and went "mummy, UP! mummy UP!"
and then again, when he was nearly at the point of meltdown at dinner because he didn't have an afternoon nap today - "more soup! i want more soup! MORE SOUP! MORE SOUPEE!!!!!" he's been adding "ie" to his nouns lately (sockies, shoesies, etc) but i thought "soupy" was just too funny, so i had a good laugh and that made him laugh too, which prevented the meltdown.
my own little helper was well impressive today.
as he took out each item from the laundry basket and handed them to me, he was able to name most of the items. "Xander's trousers, xander's sock, mama's sock, dada's trousers, dada's sock, xander's sleepsuit, towel..." i've never heard him say "sleepsuit" before, so i was quite impressed. it is amazing that in the last 2 weeks, his vocab has increased by soooo much. and he seems very keen to learn more words at the moment because he keeps wanting us to read to him all the time.
more developments
in the last couple of weeks since his cousin left to go back home to Singapore, X's speech has suddenly developed in leaps and bounds.
Earlier this evening, he said 'i want to poo' and it was the 1st time ever that he expressed this need in a full sentence. Mummy was proud, and daddy ran upstairs to get the potty. Unfortunately, the poo was done almost immediately after he said this. Still, hopefully, this means that potty training won't be too hard...